
The Renaissance and Reformation of Confucian Medicine in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Beginning of the Republic of China

  • 摘要: 廖平、张骥、孙鼎宜是清末民初儒医群体的杰出代表。对三人的生平及著作作一简介, 梳理其在整理研究古代经典医籍中所提出的独到见解及其在医学研治方面所体现的学术特点, 对于我们严肃思考中医学如何面对传统与现代的融合,在当今的新历史形势下将何去何从, 有一定的借鉴意义。


    Abstract: Liao Ping, Zhang Ji and Sun Ding-yi were outstanding representatives of Confucian medicine practitioners in the late Qing dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China. The paper briefly introduced their life story and works, and explored the insightful view in combing and studying ancient medical classics, along with their academical characteristics in terms of the study and treatment of medicine. It has practical referential value for us to seriously contemplate the development of traditional Chinese medicine from the perspective of the combination of the tradition and modern, as well as the current new historical situation.


