The Multiple Mediating Effects of Aging Stereotype and Intergroup Anxiety between Intergenerational Contact and Age Discrimination
摘要: 针对老年歧视问题, 国内学者大多从社会政策和法律层面进行理论探讨, 实证调查研究较少。对738名大学生的问卷调查数据分析结果表明, 老年歧视、消极老化刻板印象、群际焦虑、代际接触得分两两之间均呈显著相关。代际接触既能够直接负向预测老年歧视, 也能够通过消极老化刻板印象、群际焦虑的独立中介效应, 以及消极老化刻板印象-群际焦虑的链式中介作用影响老年歧视。增加大学生与老年人的代际接触, 有利于减少消极老化刻板印象和群际焦虑水平, 进而减少老年歧视水平。Abstract: Most domestic research on age discrimination has been at the level of social policy and law, with less empirical research. Results from a questionnaire survey of 738 college students showed that the scores of age discrimination, negative aging stereotypes, intergroup anxiety and intergenerational contact were all significantly correlated with each other. Intergenerational contact can directly and negatively predict age discrimination, and can also influence age discrimination through the independent mediating effect of negative aging stereotypes and intergroup anxiety, as well as the chain mediating effect of negative aging stereotypes-intergroup anxiety. Increasing intergenerational contact between college students and older adults is beneficial in reducing levels of negative aging stereotypes and intergroup anxiety, which in turn reduces levels of age discrimination.