
Exporation on Traditional Chinese Medicine Workshops in Wuxian County, Suzhou in the 1960s

  • 摘要: 在始于1956年的全国中医带徒弟运动蓬勃发展的历史背景下, 苏州吴县中医讲习班于1963年应运而生。中医讲习班现存相关史料少见且分布零散, 通过多方搜集整理及调研, 从开班背景、招生对象、收费情况、教学安排、师徒概况及结业情况等方面, 对20世纪60年代吴县中医讲习班具体状况进行梳理, 部分再现了讲习班历史原貌,对吴门医派研究及当地中医的传承发展具有一定借鉴意义。


    Abstract: Against the backdrop of the flourishing development of the national "Traditional Chinese Medicine Apprenticeship" movement that began in 1956, the Suzhou Wu County Traditional Chinese Medicine Workshop emerged in 1963. Existing relevant historical materials are rare and scattered. Through collection, organization, and investigation from multiple sources, this study focuses on the background of the class, the target audience, fees, overview of mentors and apprentices, and graduation status. By sorting out and researching the specific situation of traditional Chinese medicine workshops in Wu County in the 1960s, we reproduce the original history of the workshop, which has certain reference significance for the research of the Wumen Medical School and the inheritance and development of local traditional Chinese medicine.


